Foto de Antje Disterheft

Antje Disterheft

Antje is a post doctoral researcher and integrated member at CENSE and interested in transformative approaches. Her research focuses on capacity building and new approaches to collaboration and co-creation for sustainability in Higher Education Institutions. She is the founder of the CareLab for People and Planet, where transformative processes for a caring university are explored. She is coordinator of the Care-full Sustainability Campus Days

For me, caring is about appreciating and valuing life – human and other-than-human – for it to be able to flourish on this astonishing planet.

Foto de João Pedro Gouveia

João Pedro Gouveia

João Pedro Gouveia is an Environmental Engineer with a PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies. He is a Researcher and Integrated Member at CENSE (Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research) and Invited Professor at NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University of Lisbon. For more than a decade, he has been dedicated to research in energy and climate change, currently coordinating activities in national and international projects in energy efficiency of buildings and energy poverty, sustainable cities and vulnerability and adaptation of energy systems to global warming. He is also part of the European Commission’s EPAH (Energy Poverty Advisory Hub) coordination team.
Caring has been our priority in multiple projects, helping the most vulnerable people in the energy sector and improving the comfort conditions of their homes.

Foto de Rita Lopes

Rita Lopes

Rita Lopes is a researcher at CENSE. She has extensive experience in the development of participatory processes engaging stakeholders in the co-production of knowledge in topics related with circular economy, socio-ecological systems, low carbon economies. She holds a PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies from Universidade NOVA University of Lisbon and a Master’s in Environmental Engineering from NOVA School of Science and Technology.

Caring is a fundamental part of a more conscious way of living aligned with the purpose of sustainability

Foto de Giulia Sonetti

Giulia Sonetti

Giulia Sonetti is a researcher at CENSE and she is interested overall in inter/transdisciplinary approaches, university campus sustainability management strategies, organizational change, and transformative education. Currently, she is the principal coordinator of the research project “TrUST – Transdisciplinarity for Urban Sustainability Transition”.

I feel the capacity to care is the brave thing which gives life its deepest significance and beauty.

Foto de Carolina Mello

Carolina Mello

Carolina is a biologist interested in increasing people’s connection with nature, through the lenses of deep ecology. She is now doing her PhD in Environment and Sustainability at CENSE and her research focuses on transformative learning in Higher Education Institutions, rethinking structures and practices to increase personal and planetary wellbeing.

To care is to honor our necessities, while respecting others’ limits, so that we can live all together in harmony. A caring university offers space and opportunity for people to care for each other and all the other living elements, transforming the campus into a place where we feel well

Foto de Salomé Areias

Salomé Areias

Salomé is an activist passionate about fashion consumer behaviour. She has been digging deeper into sustainability since she founded Fashion Revolution in Portugal in 2014. Practicing psychoanalysis since then, she develops today a PhD research at CENSE (FCT, NOVA) on how oneness (a self-transcendent state of unity with all existence, typically reported by meditators) impacts consumption reduction among generation Z.

The concepts of self-care and self-healing were widely spread by the culture of individualism, but caring and healing is a collective experience that embodies our interconnectedness and interdependence.

Foto de Tomás Ramos

Tomás Ramos

Tomás B. Ramos is Professor of Sustainability Assessment and Planning at NOVA University Lisbon, and senior researcher at CENSE. He holds a PhD in Environmental Engineering and his research activity is centered in sustainability assessment and management, including impact assessment (strategic environmental assessment), circular economy, public sector, stakeholder engagement and transdisciplinary collaborative approaches. Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cleaner Production Letters, Elsevier, and Executive-Editor of Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier (IF: 11.072).

Caring is a new frontier of sustainability.